First Dobson, now Falwell

Newt GingrichNewt Gingrinch has admitted to having had an affair in 1998, the same time period when he was leading the charge as Speaker of the House for Impeachment against President Clinton.  James Dobson offered Gingrinch a national platform to showcase his “repentance” for two days last week on Focus on the Family.  Now word from Jerry Falwell that Gingrinch actually had previously confessed to him. Dr. Falwell has invited Speaker Newt to speak to the students of Liberty University.

Newt is not a declared candidate for President in 2008.  One cannot help but wonder if fear is building on the religious right of a Mitt Romney candidacy.   It seems that the power brokers in the evangelical community have become very anxious to help Newt unload the excess baggage that makes him a less than palatable candidate for the evangelical community. Seems they’d rather offer grace and forgiveness to Newt than try to explain to their constituency their support for a candidate who is a member of what many evangelicals consider to be a cult. Will this same dispensation of grace be offered to Rudy, or is grace conditioned on one’s position on social issues?

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About Paul Edwards

Paul is the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of God and Culture in Detroit, Michigan and Founding and Teaching Pastor at Redeemer Church of Waterford, Michigan.