The Paul Edwards Program: Monday, February 3


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TALK TO PAUL ON-AIR: 313.272.5600

Jennifer Lopez in a mock crucifix pose after stripping, pole dancing during the Super Bowl Half-Time Show

A Super Sexualized, Sacrilegious Half-Time Show

CT: Is It Faithful to Flee an Epidemic? What Martin Luther Teaches Us About Coronavirus

Image: dlewis33 / Getty Images

CT: Half of US Churches Now Enlist Armed Security

Environmental activist Tom Steyer at a climate change conference in Katowice, Poland. Photo: Amy Harder/Axios

RNS: Tom Steyer and preaching the environmental gospel on the campaign trail

WAPO: Trump’s spiritual adviser called for ‘all satanic pregnancies to miscarry.’ It was a metaphor, she says.

GRAND FORKS HERALD: Church asks older members to worship elsewhere