Douglas Moo defends the New NIV 2011

I spoke Friday with Dr. Douglas Moo, Blanchard Professor of New Testament at Wheaton and Chair of the Committee on Bible Translation. The focus of our conversation was the controversy surrounding some aspects of the New NIV 2011 as it relates to “gender neutrality.”

I quoted for Dr. Moo from Dr. Albert Mohler’s blog in September of 2009:

“As many of us made clear at the time of the TNIV’s announcement and release, the issues with this translation had to do with translation decisions that we were convinced did not produce “gender accuracy,” but lamentable inaccuracy. The rigorous application of these decisions produced a translation that was not only problematic in terms of direct and indirect gender references, but also in its confusion of crucial texts with messianic significance.”

Dr. Moo’s response:

“The problem, of course, you know, and I think that maybe Al Mohler’s blog is hinting at that, is that he doesn’t think that some of the decisions we made reflect, perhaps, his English.”

The complete audio of our conversation is linked here:
