Paula White’s Desperate Moment

Televangelist Paula White was a recent guest on my radio program in Detroit. She and her husband of 18 years, Randy White, announced in August that they would be divorcing and yet continuing their respective ministries: Randy as Senior Pastor of Church Without Walls in Tampa, Florida and Paula as an itinerant evangelist and “Life Coach.”

For most of the 30 minutes we talked I challenged her on her theology, as revealed in her latest book “You’re All That!,” as well as her divorce. I asked her to justify statements made by members of her church that her divorce would have no impact whatsoever on its ministry. How is that possible, I asked? How is it possible that two high profile ministers could conclude that their own relationship was so damaged that divorce was the only solution, and yet believe themselves spiritually fit to continue their ministries? She had no concrete answers, and so she concluded our 30 minute conversation this way:

“And while we’re talking about painful, difficult situations, with all due respect, I understand “let’s get the elephant out of the room,” we’ve taken 30 minutes on divorce. But I don’t understand why not an interviewer or a believer as yourself has not asked me how my daughter, who has a death sentence, with third and fourth stage cancer, how she’s doing now.”

I sat stunned for a moment; stunned because I didn’t know, but more shocked that she would use a family tragedy to make me look like a terrible person simply because I challenged her theology and lifestyle.

What pray tell, does her daughter’s illness have to do with answering questions about her divorce and her humanistic theology? Is Paula White above criticism because she has a terminally ill daughter?

The larger question is: if her daughter’s illness is so serious as to warrant her not having to answer questions about her very public divorce and her very abberant theology, why is Paula White on an eight city book tour while her daughter lay dying? During our conversation she boarded a plane for Detroit for a book signing the next day. 

The fact is, “her” daughter is not her daughter at all. “Her” daughter is actually her estranged husband Randy’s daughter from a previous marriage. “Her” daughter is an adult, not a child. She led me and my audience to believe that she had a young child at home dying of cancer. Paula White played the sympathy card when it became apparent she had lost the sympathy of the audience on the issues she was asked to address. 

Paula White is a well managed image worth millions of dollars. Behind that image is a real person, a wounded and broken human being, who lives in fear of being exposed. Paula White revealed how broken she is when she used her dying daughter as a desperate cover to protect at all costs her well managed image. She needs our prayers as much as her daughter.

Listen to the complete interview here.

96 thoughts on “Paula White’s Desperate Moment

  1. meant that all things are lawful but not all things are “EXPEDIENT”…

  2. and after 18 year…WHY would she refer to her “step-daughter” as anything BUT …”DAUGHTER”….HORRIBLE!!!

  3. One of my coworkers shared this with me. Horrible interview… HORRIBLE!! Scripture says we should restore someone who is taken in a fault (which you obviously equate divorce with “fault”) and consider ourselves or the same will come upon us. I enraged that she (regardless of what you think about her theologically or personally). The issue I have with this is that you didn’t embrace her you REBUKED her and were combative. I hope you NEVER experience what she experienced. Shame on you. You meant well but it sounded horrible and very dogmatic. All things are lawful but not all things are obedient. She was set up! Why are you so agitated that she asked what you drove????? Her asking you how long you’ve been on the radio is relevant but then your upset that she wrote the book. You highlighted points in the book to debate.

  4. Paul,Disappointed with your interviewing skills. I just listened to your interview with Paula White. U were not listening to her because U were too busy attacking her. Had U been listening U wouldv’e heard that the two of U were saying the same thing in a different way. Did U realize that’s your sister in Christ? U sound really ANGRY. I got it! She was saying, I am what Christ says I am. I am “all that” in Christ!

  5. Out of all these posts I have read, these were the comments that jumped out at me. They were made by “defenders” of this Queen Jezebel thinking themselves to be “godly” in doing so. One was, “I love the God of Paula White!” And the other how it was not our job to “correct her”, that the leaders should do this.

    The man Paul Edwards put a finger on false doctrine and it squirmed and ran under cover hiding behind a “religious cover-up.” There was NO REPENTANCE and what does it say about Jezebel in scripture? She does not repent! Are her leaders (those who have given birth to her and fed her the very doctrines she is preaching) going to correct her? Did the leaders steeped in idolatry correct Israel? No, it took the PROPHETS to come and do that dirty job! And I am sure they had a lot of stones throne at them for doing so. After all, if she has become “all that” in her self-estimation, why would she need anything else, but the message of a true prophet calling for repentance?

    I was part of this ministry for ten years. These leaders were given word after word from Yahweh’s true prophets (in private) and a final message to repent and turn from the pulpit from a true messenger (which was more for the congregation to be saved out of it more than anything). They stoned these prophets one by one. So if anyone is going to be cursed for speaking against Yahweh’s prophets, it will be Jezebel herself. They were told that the media they were using to glorify themselves would one day EXPOSE them. Do not tell me that these words were not love, they were birthed out of intercessory prayer, pain and concern for them. They were given by humble servants of their own ministry who were persecuted, leveled of all pride and selfish ambition and given in an inner chamber of painful rejection. People were murdered spiritually and condemned from the pulpit for being divisive and against the “vision”. They were brutally beaten and stoned for their warnings. All in the name of her God. In the end all of this was “God’s” grace and mercy to this ministry. Instead of seeing her own judgment riding through the gates of her kingdom, she instead will glorify herself by adorning her head, painting her eyes and looking out her self-righteous window (unjustly judging the fallen nature in others, as is the case with this interview).

    The true church of Our Messiah is being sifted and all of our impurities are coming to the surface including my own. But do not think that it will not be the TRUE PROPHETS of Yahweh who call us to repent and come out of Babylon. This man and his interview exposed this woman’s heart and she has chased after what she wanted and now has it. She’s not about to give it up. There were TWO trees in the garden and it is clear which one she is feeding from. Now after building her ministry on a message of NOT being a victim, she is playing the victim. How can people not see the manipulation of that? She knew exactly what she was doing and did it anyway. There was nothing self-righteous or judgmental about what Paul did. There are millions of people who are losing homes, marriages, finances and their children to these false teachings believing they are sacrificing them to God. My family was in the wake of that destruction. There can be no pity on that, none at all. Our pity is displaced on these monstrous religious towers built to glorify men and women and not on the people who are feeling betrayed by the true Holy One of Israel when it’s not happening for them and losing the most valued thing of all, their relationship with Him.

    I have no problem throwing her down in my own life today and repenting of my own self-centered, self-glorifying thoughts and playing god in the lives of others. THIS IS A SPIRIT. And until we can recognize it as such, we will succumb to its inevitable destruction. There is only ONE who sill sit on the throne and that is Yahshua (Jesus), Our Messiah. May He ALONE be glorified! Go to her website and tell me that He is glorified on it and not her and her ministry. Her gods are pride, self-centered motives and greed. If you want to follow them by all means do so. Just don’t try to paint them to be something they are not.

  6. Can you PLEASE PLEASE reload this interview?????

    It was very edifying to hear you challenging this Paula White on the garbage she peddles. I was telling others about this interview and they expressed interest in hearing it. When I click on the link at the bottom of the article, which reads, “Listen to the complete interview HERE,” it opens up to a web page that reads, “page not found.”

    Please reload this to your website?

    God bless!

  7. I remember when I first got saved and I read in the word Of God, where it said many will come in my name. I thought that was to come, I didn’t realize that, this is now. many now come in The name of Jesus and don’t even know him or started out with him, got all about self and missed him. I feel bad for these, because all that they do is in vain. They have missed Jesus. Jesus is not about self promotion( he didn’t even do that, he promoted his father God) As the word of God says the road is narrow, so few find it, theses are lost. They either think their doing all in Jesus name and for him, and are deceived or they know full well what there doing and don’t care. Either way, there in trouble and they do need our prayers. I don’t agree with The teachings of Paula, but I pray she finds her way back to Jesus Christ, or find him period. It would be a terrible thing to hear the words ” depart from me you workers of iniquity for I never knew you. She needs our prayers.
    I will also say, if you want truth the Lord is well able to give you truth, you’ll find it in the word. the word teaches us how not to put our faith in flesh, because flesh will fail you. So when those that we’ve put our faith in, falls we fall. This is a HUGE trick of the enemy. We will never go wrong sticking to the word of God, asking him to give us the wisdom to understand the word for ourselves and the discernment to know what’s of him and what’s not. This is what I truly thank the Lord for, for giving me truth, so I won’t believe the lies of the enemy where ever they come from. This is all I wanted to share. The Lord Jesus Bless.

  8. This blog was very mature of you. I one day pray to reach this level of maturity. I was a member at WWIC and let’s just say I feel a bit bamboozled. I’m finding my way back to Christ but being under this type of ‘spiritual manipulation’ has really put a hold on that way finding….I know you shouldn’t look to people but it’s hard. I thought Paula and Randy were bigger than life until one day they both came to my job. I was a sales associate at the time. Paula treated me as if my breath stank. I’m sure if she would have known at that moment I was pouring my last $100 into that ministry I would have gotten at least a grin, but then again that was peanuts compared to most in that church so who knows. I just thank God for the removal. I was bamboozled…

  9. The issues that are now occurring within the christian faith indicate that all true christians should study the bible, pray daily for God’s guidance and be watchful of what they think about i.e what they meditate on.

    It is very easy in these days of mass communication to imbibe erroneous teachings, and even more hard if you happen to be sitting under the teachings of pastors who have a “hidden agenda” of fleecing the undiscerning.

    But the Holy Spirit is powerful and able to guide us to the truth that will set one free form bondage. And if a true believer earnestly asks for insight, wisdom and divine guidance this will be granted unto him. This is the one and only saving grace and power that cannot be taken away from a child of God.

    The current challenge, is how to expose erroneous teachings,;and the greed that seems to consume those propagating these teachings without losing the grace and love of christ and getting embroiled in counter arguments.

    I commend the work done so far, to keep true believers on the alert, not just for the sake of naming and shaming leaders who have gone astray; but for us all to keep a good check on our own attitudes, our faith in Almighty God, and our character development.

    We must all hold ourselves up to the mirror of the word of God,i.e the Bible, check ourselves and realign ourselves with God’s commands and above all we must PRAY without ceasing for the move of the Holy Spirit which will lighten our darkness and bring about the Salvation of our souls.

    God has blessed this generation with various mass communication technologies to transmit information. Every child of God should search and study the Bible and teachings heard from whatever source/person, even if its your regular pastor/priest should examined to see if it is based on the right interpretation of the Bible so as to be fully equiped and not easily deceived.

    Perhaps this could be a further development on this site, but once again I commend and respect the work done so far.
    God Bless You.

  10. Preaching or writing a Holy Spirit enspired message – often named such by the speaker – then copy writing it and selling it. Matthew 10 especially verse 8 – Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,[2] drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

    79. nicholas pearson – May 7, 2008

    All of the people who call that woman a corruput leader or a charlatin have no room to talk. All you people who speak badly about one of Gods prophets should be cursed.

    Romans 12 – especially verse 14 – Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. – These words from the mouth of our saviour Himself.

    Please read those chapters in full as not to take a verse out of context.

    I realy believe that true Holy Spirit inspired teachers need to step forward in the world today – exactly like the apostles and christian leaders following them in the new testament did , and take these practises and so many more head on- FOR FREE.

    32. sanctifyme – October 18, 2007

    I always have loved this little diddy..Apostle Paul never, never went around to the churches of Asia Minor..collecting monies/love gifts/seeds of faith..blah blah blah so that he could build a bigger and better soul winning for Jesus ship that would take him to the ends of the earth to proclaim the Gospel of ‘ol Paul just took up offerings in order to support the poorest of the share and disperse with the spread the wealth to those who needed it the even took up full time secular work to support himself..He paid for public get where he needed to go..or he walked!…Isn’t it interesting that we have never uncovered a self help book written by know, outside of Scripture..that he sold to the they could better understand and apply the even SUFFERED for the Gospel..and was eventually murdered for our Lord’s a contrast to the “leaders” in the pulpits of our generation..or any other generation for that always comes back to dying to self..I think..okay..I will stop..when you pray for poor Paula, Randy,Juanita,and the rest of The Baal Network ilk..please remember to pray for all the souls they have led astray..convinced that the message they have heard is legit..they need our prayers..that Holy Spirit Will unveil and remove the scales from their eyes..which Apostle lived the abundant rich..and lived like a herodian king? uh, they all died for Jesus..they were what a contrast to the lives of so many supposed leaders of THE “faith”..not mine..I am humbled and inspired by those who are willing to suffer in this body..for our King and Lord..I want that kind of your enemies..1 Cor chapter never fails..I love you Calvary Chapel..thanks for spreading the Truth of the Gospel..amen!!

    I could not say it better.

    May God bless you all and guide you into His will for your life on this earth.

  11. Well I don’t really know Paula ,I just saw her on tv and read about her. All I see, hear and read is people that attack her now I’m not taking her side. She may use people to get what she wants us have you ever considered anything from her point of view or why ? I don’t think anything she is doing is for the money or fame there must be a real reason behind all her actions. I may be wrong and she to but to make her admit by dragging her name threw the mud. Thin before yo act. PLEASE YOU MIGHT HURT PEOPLE FOR NO REASON.

  12. i think this is a very sensitive issue. i mean, as children of God we just need to have the spirit of discernment so that we don’t end up heaven knows where. our pastors’ preachings are so powerful that we can even be offended when other people bash them like this but hey, we all wanna share our opinions. i’m in south africa and believe me we deal with the same issues. let me say it again, we need to have the spirit of discernment. paula could have started right and lost it on the way and i think we can pray for her and God will restore her. let’s not conclude that she is a false teacher.

  13. Paul,

    Paula preaches what she believes is sound theology based on years of following televangelists. They are her mentors. This teaching is all she’s ever known. The reason she’s so dangerous is because of her passion. She is an extremely compelling speaker. She doesn’t understand how to rightly divide the word and study the whole council of God. All Christians are called to approach and examine the scriptures in the same way. She is misleading many but I honestly don’t think she sees her error.

    Obviously, Paula and others like her are preaching “another gospel”. My issue is with teachers like Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, etc. who teach yet “another gospel” — the gospel of conforming the church to the image of this world. They just happen to teach in a more subtle, sophisticated way. Do you ever challenge them?

  14. Nicholas,

    The interesting thing about Paula White critcizing me for not asking about her dying daughter (“her daughter” is actually Randy White’s daughter from a previous marriage) was that she was speaking those words to me while sitting on a private jet in the middle of an eight city book tour. If Randy’s daughter’s illness was so important to Paula, why is she on a tour promoting her book rather than sitting at the side of “her” daughter.

    The word of God is the standard and judge, not us. “If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). 1 Thessalonians 5 instructs us to test the prophecy and then hold on to what is good and reject what is corrupt.

    Set your personal “feelings” aside and allow the word of God to expose truth and error.

  15. All of the people who call that woman a corruput leader or a charlatin have no room to talk. All you people who speak badly about one of Gods prophets should be cursed. The bible say over and over again to respect leaders. that means that no matter how bad you dislike something that has gone on you as a person have NO room to speak againstr her. She has Been Gods tool in many instances. Just because she has faults doesn’t make her a false prophet or a corrupt minister. I can look at that woman and clearly see that she has the love of God in her heart and honesty did was she was instructed to do by her leaders. She is a wise woman who heeded the word of her leaders. God bless her and she may be a broken woman, but that doesnt mean she is unusable! God will bring glory out of her desperate situation. I think that her bringing up the daughter with cancer was just her speaking out of hurt. I would be hurt to if the media paid no attention to my sick daughter, but focused on my divorce! I say we as ther body of christ should encourage her ministry and shove her along deeper and deeper into God ,not try and correct her, when NONE of us have been in her shoes! correcting her is her leaders Job! not ours! leave the woman alone! has she not suffered enough! lets just say that her divorce is evidence of sin, was the divorce itself not payment for sin!?(if there was any) It very much could have been her husbands actions that ended the mairage! shame on all who speak agains a woman of God who clearly wants to please the Lord above all!

  16. I think what the church needs today is balance. On one end of the spectrum we have almost every single pastor (especially the ones on TV) telling us that, “It’s our time, it’s our season. Money, money, money, is on the way on the way on the way.” Then on the other end we have people boasting about how old their car is, as if that (and how much they don’t have) is a measure of their commitment to Christ. Somewhere in the middle is where I believe we ought to be.

  17. I can’t believe the way people defend these charlatans. I’m in the wrong business. If it’s that many gullable, bible illiterates out there, I’m throwing my hat in the ring. Stay tuned I’ll be the next one to dazzle you on TBN. And get this I won’t even have to be saved to do it. So get your pocketbooks ready and I will only take cash no checks because you know what bad checks do.
    PS all in fun but I’m sure y’all see what I’m trying to convey here.

  18. I was a member of WWIC for about 6 years, I left just before all of the stories broke. I did not leave angry or with alt against anyone. I left because the spirit within (of God) urged me to leave. However, I did still visit WWIC from time to time. I was actually in attendance at the service when Pastor Randy and Pastor Paula announced thier divorce. I was heart broken and there were many people in the congregation openly sobbing and some who even got up and walked out. So the statement that the ministry was not effected at all – is obviously not true for many more reasons than just the reactions in the sanctuary when the announcement was made.
    I agree that if we go to our sisters and brothers in Christ in Love then there is no problem. But we must remember that God is the creator and in the end they have to work it out with HIM. I don’t however feel that it is Christ-like to air dirty laundry “LIVE” on a radio station. Get the picture of Jesus bending down writing in the sand – and everyone else walking away, throwing no stones!!!
    I don’t know what Pastors Randy and Paula White may or may not be guilty of but I do know that we as Christians should pray for them and if they have done wrong, when they repent and ask for forgiveness, we should throw our arms around them and forgive them and pick them up. Simply because the God that we serve would do the same.

  19. she is a fake.. AT heart lies of the devil..Money is her God.Let it be known truth..lets not water it down as Christians just as Christ didnt water it down when they we’re making the church a den of thieves an He overthrew the tables.. Say it as it is……. Her heart is evil an her thrist is unquenchable… Lives in mansions yet professes a nicely plan wording of deceit an gain from the trodden at heart,Thsi is the work of the devil…….. DONT BE DECEIVED

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  21. It amazes me how quickly some professing Christians come to the defense of Paula White and others, and begin to condemn those who tell the Truth about her. Let me offer this thought — instead of making a martyr out of Paula White, maybe we ought to evaluate the untold damage the false teaching she promotes and practices has done to Christian lives. Read what God says about false teachers in the Bible, and how we ought to handle them, and deal with that, instead of defending someone who is preaching, “another gospel.”

  22. For those who don’t understand Paula White and her ministry, If you dont understand spiritual things according to the word of God, all you need do is ask the Holy Spirit, especially the beleivers, the bible says he guides us into all truth….. From where I stand Paula is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God, she is stands out because she is an anointed woman of God. Think about what God has used her to do in lives of people, the many many lives on their way to hell and Paula leading them to the Lord, that these people will not perish but have life everlasting, the healing God used her to perform, the miracles and restoration, you need to hear testimonies after testimonies. For those who do not understand this, suffice it to say that God loves Paula and He loves you and I very much. As far as I know Paula has left her Egypt ages ago. Those of you still living in the past of Paula’s challenges need to GET OVER IT. She is blessed and highly favoured and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Anyone of you been on Larry King live lately? If I recall, Joel Osteen, Paula White or did I say Paula White…
    Have a blessed day everyone I just love the God of Paula White, He is Jehovah, Almighty God. Dont blame me. I just cant help it cos He is good to me too., Have a great 2008, I know I will with new beginnings by His power. Thanks Paul Edwards for a great site, Will be back, another time.


  24. Pray for the Whites? I’m sorry but I don’t consider them even in the faith. I will pray that they come to repentance for real. I don’t believe they have a conscience. When will people stop supporting these frauds and read their Bibles? I believe Paul you showed us a brief shade of what these word of faith televangelists and teachers will experience at the Great Judgement when they won’t be able to divert the attention away from their deeds and will have to give an account for their false teaching.

  25. Chris,
    Believe it or not, you can love and have a backbone too. There is a time and a place for everything. I have two unsaved brothers. Would it benefit me to slam scripture in their face or to love and build a friendship first. I think the latter is appropriate, but eventually through my life and witness I must deliver the word of God to them. That is how I do it. I believe that you should build a friendship by loving people as they are and then win them to Christ through that friendship. Everything must be done in love and sincerity. Why? Its Christlike and most people can sense a phony when they see one.
    In regards to Paula and Randy, what kind of horrible example are they are showing young Christians? I really think they are just a few of what I call “Pastors of the Laodicean Movement” AKA “Prosperity Preaching”. With the bold “In Yo FACE” they divorced without any scriptural backing, they live a bold and lavish lifestyle and they respond with slick answers to the most basic of questions. I have one simple question. Where is the integrity? Where is the fear of God, knowing that teachers will receive a much stricter punishment? Am I alone in taking the Bible seriously at what it so sharply states? I hope I never have to say to my son “There once was a time when we could trust our preachers”.

  26. What’s “not love” are these supposed ministers of the gospel getting on shows like Larry King (where thousands are watching) and saying that people don’t have to get saved…or at the very least, downplaying the absolute necessity of getting saved by saying that people don’t have to be saved to benefit from the principals in their books like Ms. White and Mr. Olsteen have both done. What’s “not love” is being more concerned with telling people what their itching ears want to hear in order to fill their pews and sale their books than getting people ready for eternity.

    We need to repent for our idolatry of man and get back to Jesus before it’s too late. God help us, indeed……

  27. Reading these “damning” messages from people who call themselves Christians (followers of Christ, who taught love & forgiveness & provided salvation once for all), is like watching a piece of meat being thrown into a tank of pirhana. Why must you in the name of Christ feed on hatred, suspicion, gossip, & extreme judgement of another in your flock? You don’t have to LIKE all televangelists but you are called to LOVE them. I have seen such cynical, critical comments online toward Osteen, White, & others which truly saddens me. These witch hunts & what appears to be feeding frenzies over others’ perceived imperfections is immature at the very least. Of course those who are in leadership or visible positions will be under a magnifying glass. Could you stand such scrutiny? Or are you flawless? Seems this is the point of the gospels…the scripture you so fearfully cling too. Remember, let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone? No one was left in this scenario in the parable, oh, except Jesus…Hmmm…Ah & the point of Christianity is that no one can withstand such scrutiny, thus, Christ became the ultimate sacrifice, standing in our place. Sigh…how quickly we forget…self righteousness, now that is the enemy. It is true deceit because we stand up on our high horse in indignation at what we perceive incorrectly. It is impossible to know what is being claimed is known about Paula White & others. (her motives) I am not a fan of televangelists per se, but what others are saying about them in the name of Christ is disheartening. It is erroneous & it is NOT love. Love. It is so simple. Why must we make it so difficult for ourselves & others? Some day we may be the ones being attacked & kicked around by the “Christians” we know. God help us…

  28. RE: Paula White’s Appearance on Larry King Monday, Nov. 26th
    Thanks, Paul. I’m glad you are going to watch it. I’d like to hear your perspective on it if you’d like to share.
    I watched the interview myself last night. It was more of the same. There were two snippets during the interview where King took some questions from people via email who questioned Paula’s lifestyle and theology. But then she turned into the “classic Paula White” where she goes on endless tangents instead of giving a straight forward answer to the question. That’s a tactic often used by people who are trying to divert the issue and take control of the conversation so that only what they want to discuss gets discussed. She did that during her interview with Paul Edwards as well, but with a lot less success than with King. During his interview, Edwards had the body of Christ in mind as apposed to “the general public” therefore he was better at making her stay on topic.
    When asked about her lavish lifestyle, instead of just being honest and saying…… “I love money. I love the power and influence that money gives me. I love being able to hob-knob with people like Donald Trump and Tyra Banks. I like having my own jet so I don’t have to come in contact with common folk. I like purchasing $400,000 Bentleys for people like TD Jakes. I like being able to do things like get plastic surgery.” ……No, instead of just answering the question, she pointed out how expensive it must be for Larry King to produce his TV show….just like she questioned what type of automobile Paul Edwards drove to work. (Which Paul quickly told her was a 6 year old economy car).
    Larry King asked her why she was so appealing to African Americans…..because she seemed to be very good at “black preaching”. Paula said it’s because she’s a bridge-builder. With all due respect, I’m black don’t share that viewpoint at all. When it comes to Paula White’s “black preaching” she’s not a bridge-builder…..she’s a chameleon……a fake. I think that I can shed a little light on why she might be so appealing to blacks. It’s the same reason most of these prosperity preachers have a large black following. They know that many (although not all) African Americans have a lot to overcome…especially in the area of our finances. And prosperity preachers of all races are exploiting this for their own personal gain. They spend half of their time using ebonics in the pulpit to lure in the less educated sheep, then they fly to NY and use perfect English on the Larry King show to appeal to the more affluent Christians that are striving to heap up even more riches unto themselves… well as unsaved people who have the same goals in mind. Sadly, Jesus Christ is just a distant figure in the background.
    When asked about Sen. Charles Grassley’s probe into the finances of Paula White and 5 other tele-vangelists, she gave the same response the others did…. “We comply with all IRS regulations regarding 501(3)(c).” …. Well, maybe they should all be given a chocolate-chip cookie and a pat on the head for doing what the government tells them to do. But does that necessarily mean that they are doing what is right in God’s eyes? Do these preachers serve the Internal Revenue Service or do they serve the Lord Jesus Christ? Do we let man set the standard for us or God?

    The most damning part of the interview was when she FLAT-OUT contradicted what she said to Paul Edwards on Oct 12th. King asked her…”Must I be a believer to appreciate the book?” Paula answered….”Oh, absolutely not”. But if you heard the interview with Paul Edwards, you might remember that he respectfully confronted Paula about how humanistic her book is….about how much emphasis there is on “self”. Paul Edwards told Paula that it’s not about us, but it’s about CHRIST IN US. Paula seemed to agree with Edwards only after he pressed the issue. Then she turns right around and gets on Larry King and says that unsaved people can “absolutely” benefit from her book. How? If the book is about “CHRIST IN US” like she said to Paul Edwards then how can her book benefit anybody until they receive Christ as Lord first???? What good does it do for a man to gain the whole world, but lose his soul? That’s the problem that I have with a lot of these guys. People are going to hell and all they can preach about is prosperity…(aka money). Read the story of Lazarus and the rich man in the Bible and find out how much good your riches are going to do you if you die without Christ.
    It turns out that I was right about what I said in the comment that I posted on October 28. I said: “The question is this….. If you had praised her during the interview, would she have scolded you about not asking about her daughter????? I don’t think so. She should repent for using her daughter’s illness as a scape-goat……especially if she left for a book signing right after the interview.” I don’t recall Larry King asking one question about the health Paula’s step-daughter. He didn’t utter a single word about it. Why didn’t Paula bring it up like she did on the Paul Edwards show? Why didn’t she imply that King was an insensitive jerk for not doing so? Could the reason possibly be because she was allowed to promote her book and defend her lifestyle without being confronted? Just wondering……
    Paul, I’d like to hear your thoughts on the interview if you’d like to share.

  29. Paula White is going to be promoting “You’re All That” on Larry King tonight. I seriously doubt that King is going to ask Paul very many questions about her lifestyle and her theology like Paul did because he’s not a Biblical scholar and many not be capable of addressing such issues. So I’m pretty sure it’s going to mainly be a “puff piece”….UNLESS, someone calls in on the phone lines like they did to Joel Olsteen. Remember that? He ALMOST got away with denying Jesus until that lady called in and busted him.

    Paul, are you going to watch it?

  30. Paula WHite and husband Randy need to be held accountable for “pimping” the Church. Take them to the highest court if need be and have them repay what they have fleeced off of God’s people! If you can’t walk the walk, for God’s sake get out of the ministry!

  31. If one does not know any better then I would feel sorry for them. I was a partner for a long time with one of these misintries in 1970 for quite some time. I became quite ill, comatose for weeks and when I finaly came home and gained strength I contacted this ministry to send in my monthly check. I was told I was no longer a partner, my member number was taken away. I explained I had been ill for some time and could not send in my checks. I was told that I should never have gotten sick in the first place. I was devastated. I learned something. It took me many years to see what these people were doing. My eyes were opened. A man stands in the place of the high priest, Jesus today, and says send me your money and God will answer your prayers, you will be rich and healthy. You hear Mal. 3 about bringing your tithes into the storehouse….it is speaking to ELI and his sons and others who stole the best kept for sacrifice. Yet out of all the O.T. laws this one is for today, we are told in the N.T. if we keep one we must keep all. Jesus came as the old law was too hard. Now one law, well, love God and then our neighbor as ourself. We will keep all the commandments if we do this. We are to give today as we determine in our hearts. Read about tithes and offerings in the O.T. One we are to have eaten in the presence of the Lord. Tithes was not money but produce. Many different tithes mentioned. We do not hear these things. We should pray for everyone. We shall all suffer for what we do. Lying is one of the worst things, isn’t it? Telling people what God is going to do for them if they will just send you something is a lie, no one can make promises for God. Food in the storehouse. People in church go hungry and many go without many things to give to these people, the people are the church. Oh, this most wonderful God will take care of us all. He knows the thoughts and intents of our hearts. We can trust only in Him. Everyone is free to choose, to love others, to give what and to whom they please. Churches who no longer take tithes, take gifts and offerings and I have heard their income is greatly increased. Let us pray for one another and for everyone. I do not set myself up as an example. I have much to learn, a long way to go. What comes out of our mouth shows who and what we are.

  32. Wanda,

    If your assestment is true and as you feel she is lost and decieving others the Bible is pretty clear about people who do this. Would that be worthy of feeling sorry for? The properity doctrine is messed up and robs a lot a lot of good people of their hard earned money, however those leaders who do this to God’s people will likely suffer worse than the most aweful of the unsaved. I think that is worth prayerful sorrow for these people.

  33. It is unbelievable that one would feel sorry for Paula White. She with her eyes wide open twists scripture to get what she wants. It is not about Him, it is all about Paula. Everyone is being exposed, their true purposes are no longer hidden. People with their itching ears hear and believe they will be rich. It is not Jesus for whom people are searching but things told them that they can be rich, just throw money to Paula and God will bless you one hundred fold more or less. Just because one claims they are anointed, claims they are a prophet does not make it so. Prosper and be in health…..people are taught this means money. Where is the love for people? It is not about things, it is about people. All are asleep, wake up.

  34. Rubbish…..

    Paul,I listened to your interview with Paula White in it’s entirety and you were in no way abusive or judgmental towards her. Did you ask her some tough questions? Yes. Correct me if I’m wrong, but your interview with her wasn’t meant to be a “puff piece”. You were there to ask REAL QUESTIONS. This lady makes MILLIONS off of her flock. Have you seen her on stage??? She’s as slick as they come….and far from being the wounded little angel that needs to be coddled. If she had a pure heart, she wouldn’t have had a problem with those questions that you asked her.

    Any temptation that I had to feel sorry for her disintegrated when she used her daughter’s illness to save her own hide. That was as tacky as you can get. An unsaved person wouldn’t even stoop that low. She needs to confess what she did to God AND her daughter and beg forgiveness.

  35. Paul –
    As I stated in my previous post on October 28, I heard the radio interview in its entirety and at no time were you cruel to Paula White. Did you ask her some tough questions? Certainly. But you were not out of line or merciless towards her. You were just trying to gain an understanding as to how in God’s name can her theology and her personal life not be a reflection of her relationship with God (whether it be good or bad). Your interview wasn’t meant to be a “puff piece”. You were there to present her with REAL QUESTIONS. Paula White makes MILLIONS off of her flock. That lady is sly as a fox. She’s not some wounded little angel that needs to be coddled. If her motives for ministry were pure she would not have had any problem answering those questions…..and using her daughter’s illness to deflect the issue was just plain tacky. An unsaved person wouldn’t have even has stooped that low.

    If you ask me, I actually think you went soft on her.

  36. Paul, the thing is, the scripture we are talking about never once mentions the lady repenting.

    Joh 8:1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
    Joh 8:2 Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them.
    Joh 8:3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst
    Joh 8:4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery.
    Joh 8:5 Now in the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?”
    Joh 8:6 This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.
    Joh 8:7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.”
    Joh 8:8 And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground.
    Joh 8:9 But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him.
    Joh 8:10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
    Joh 8:11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”

    So why are you saying that the woman was repentent? I am I missing this from another gospel or is this an implied theological stance? I get the theological thing with Word of Faith, I don’t agree with it, I think the Lord will seperate the wheat from the chaff in that camp. But the constant attack during the interview was rather disappointing. I am sure when all of us stand before the judgement seat of Christ someday we might find out that we are not as righteous as we thought we were. Thanks

  37. Pixelmaster,

    There is a major difference between Paula White and the woman taken in adultery – and REPENTANCE is the key word. The woman taken in adultery wasn’t the “pastor” of a multimillion dollar “ministry” leading hundreds of thousands of people down a path of deception.

    I would liken my conversation with Paula more to how Jesus confronted the Pharisees, not with how he dealt with genuinely repentant sinners.

  38. I heard this for the first time the other day and man, I thought that Paul was brutal to Paula. I don’t agree with her theology, or her decision to divorce and stay in the ministry. However, I couldn’t help but of the Biblical story of Jesus and the Pharisee’s with the adulterous woman. He who is without sin……

  39. Paula and other television “ministries” gobble up money while true financially accountable ministries ( Salvation Army, Campus Crusade for Christ, your local homeless shelter) struggle. Don’t give money to ANY ministry not in ECFA!

  40. I am aware of the situation with the Whites and I just heard the radio interview. I am sorry that her daughter is sick and she and Randy do need our prayers. HOWEVER, I do think that she used that situation to deflect the issue. The question is this….. If you had praised her during the interview, would she have scolded you about not asking about her daughter????? I don’t think so. She should repent for using her daughter’s illness as a scape-goat……especially if she left for a book signing right after the interview.

  41. great blog. and i liked your aproach too paul. i wish a lot of christians would realise that we really wrestle not against flesh and blood. anyone in public ministry’s bound to face all kinds of terrible temptations and invariably, their human sides come rushing forth.

    we all need the Word on a constant basis paul. not just when we’re about to go face our 2million member church.
    we also need to ground ourselves by remaining humble. we’re just men. cant say this enough. finally a blog i love. thanx paul.

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