Episode 11: A Stone

Recovering the Christian Mind | March 1, 2023

When we look back on our defeats and disappointments and see how the hand of God was working in our favor, we must mark those places where defeat turn to victory so that we do not forget God.

Episode 10: A Lamb

Recovering the Christian Mind | February 28, 2023

One of the things about the Christian faith that offends the sensibilities of good people is that God requires the bloody sacrifice of an innocent to appease His wrath against us.

On today’s episode of Recovering the Christian Mind we consider why Samuel sacrificed a nursing lamb in 1 Samuel 7.

Episode 9: Hitherto Hath the Lord Helped Us

Recovering the Christian Mind | February 27, 2023

On today’s episode of the Recovering the Christian Mind podcast we consider what Samuel meant when he told the people of Israel that “until now, the Lord has helped us” (1 Samuel 7:12).

“Until now” is both spatial and chronological. It includes everything that has ever happened to us, wherever it has happened to us – both good and bad.

In what sense can we truly say that the Lord has helped us in our suffering, setbacks, and disappointments?

Episode 8: Does the “Asbury Revival” Meet the Marks

On this episode of the Recovering the Christian Mind Podcast we ask two questions and respond to one criticism:

  • What was being preached at the chapel service when the Asbury Revival began?
  • What about the exorcism that allegedly took place along with other strange phenomena?
  • In Acts 5:33-39, Gamaliel warned against questioning the work of the Holy Spirit. You should “wait and see” if this revival is really a work of the Spirit before passing judgment.
Recovering the Christian Mind | February 24, 2023

Episode 7: Marks of a Public Revival – Part 4

What are the effects of a revival on the broader community in which a revival takes place?

In this episode of the Recovering the Christian Mind Podcast we consider the final two of Pastor Paul’s eight marks of genuine revival in view of what is happening at Asbury University.

Recovering the Christian Mind | February 23, 2023